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Role of the National Research Institute of Public Health in the Development of Medical Education |
Gorelova L.E.
Kasimovskaya N.A.
Academy of Medical Sciences was established in 1944 in the same year entered into its composition Institute Health Organization, health statistics and social hygiene. Institute was set global challenges in the field of research and teaching activities that were implemented in accordance with the demands of time and countries at all stages of its existence. The institute became a leading research center for the study of problems of public health, social hygiene, organization, management, health and medical history. For 70 years, as the leading scientific institution in the health system Institute led the development of these areas. In 2003 the Institute was renamed the National Research Institute of Public Health, RAMS, and last year the Institute was transferred to the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FANO Russia). Director of the Institute known scientists in the field of social hygiene, public health and medical history, made a great contribution to the development of medical education, combining scientific, management and teaching. Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Public Health Organization them. N.A. Semashko (now the National Institute of Public Health) and the Department of Social Hygiene and Public Health Organization (now the Department of Public Health and Health) is credited with the theoretical and organizational development of a number of current health problems. The most important areas of science at that time began to study in the field of health economics and forecasting, as well as management of the health system.Thus, a significant role in the development of medical education has played the leading scientists of the Institute to develop methodological foundations of the study of public health, organization of prevention, research needs and identify differentiated standards in different kinds of preventive and curative care, and health care organizations.
Keywords: social hygiene; public health organization; history of medicine; scientists; medical education.
Contacts: E-mail: gorelova_le@mail.ru
Pp. 108-115. |
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