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History of Science and Engineering Annotation << Back
M.A. Babaeva, E.B. Golubev
It is shown that the modern connotation of mass open online courses (MOOС) has Russian roots. A hundred years ago, in 1918 in Russia, the well-known teacher A.G. Rivin first realized the idea of collective learning (without computers and without the Internet). This method, called Rivin «talgenism» (from the words «talent», «genius»), relied on «dialogic communication» in dynamic pairs and allowed to achieve incredible results in the joint training of people of different ages and different levels of training. Each student had the opportunity to visit the role of both teacher and student, moving in the process of learning on an individual trajectory and at his own pace. Similar ideas, but already in the modern era of digital technologies, led to the creation in 2008 of the first MOOС (cMOOC) as a new form of open education. Information on the initial stage of the use of the method of collective mutual learning in Russia is given, historical milestones of its development are traced in our country, questions of method implementation at each historical stage are considered. The principal features of the organization of collective learning by the method of Rivin and in the MOOС (cMOOC) are singled out, their identity is shown. The issues of use and prospects of application of MOOC in Russian and foreign universities are touched upon.
Keywords: MOOС (mass open online courses); cMOOC; connectivism; method of collective mutual learning; А.G. Rivin; NPOО (National Platform for Open Education).
DOI: 10.25791/intstg.03.2019.515
Contacts: E-mail: maalba@list.ru, E-mail: egolubev@list.ru
Pp. 49-58. |
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