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Yu.I. Krivonosov

This publication discusses episodes from the life and work of several outstanding representatives of the socalled «first wave» of Russian emigration, who left the country in various ways in the first years after the revolution, and who also remained abroad in the early thirties. Among them, the sociologist and philosopher P.A. Sorokin (1889–1968), the founder of Russian and American sociological schools, an active participant in revolutionary events in Russia, who accidentally escaped the death penalty and was expelled from the country in 1922; the largest scientist chemist, V.N. The outstanding physicist - nuclear scientist and cosmologist G.A. Gamov (1904–1968), a participant in the American atomic project and a brilliant popularizer of science; The world-famous aircraft designer I. Sikorsky (1889–1972), developer of the first Russian multi-engine aircraft and a series of helicopters, founder of the Sikorsky aviation company. The biographies of these outstanding scientists and technicians are united by a sharp rejection of their moral and ideological attitudes on the part of party and government circles, as evidenced by declassified documents from archival funds, materials from a large array of published memoirs, diaries, and monographic studies. Their contribution to the development of world science and technology did not receive due recognition during the years of their life, and only recently have the merits of many emigrants been duly appreciated.
Keywords: Sorokin, Ipatiev, Gamow, Sikorsky, Gromyko, sociology, chemical technologies, nuclear physics, airplanes, helicopters.

DOI: 10.25791/intstg.02.2020.1163

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Pp. 39-53.


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