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History of Science and Engineering Annotation << Back
Aircraft «Ilya Muromets»: Import Substitution Against Import |
Lyssakov N.D., Lyssakova E.N.
The article analyzes the historical aspects of organizing the engineering and operating of «Ilya Muromets» aircraft, taking into account
the diffi culties of import substitution in the realities of the First World War. Research methods: study of bibliographic sources and documents of
the Russian State Military Historical Archive. The text of the article contains historical information about orders of various materials abroad,
quotes from the memoirs of direct participants in the described events, dating mainly to 1916.
It was concluded that faced with various diffi culties in purchasing, delivering, repairing foreign components for «Ilya Muromets» aircraft,
creating opportunities for import substitution with incredible efforts, defending fundamentally new ideas in aircraft engineering, Russian
aviation received a hard-won historical lesson and unique historical experience. Consequently, in modern conditions, all state initiatives to
support the aviation industry, the accelerated transition of civil aviation to homegrown technologies are historically correct, since aviation is
a unifi ed defense and transport system that provides complex safety.
Keywords: Aircraft «Ilya Muromets», military aviation, First World War.
Pp. 27-33. |
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