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Ballistic missiles and spacecrafts protection
Spiridonov Yu.A. Bodrikhin N.G.

Attempts to create antimissile defense systems immediately led the experts of radio-electronic warfare to creation of various counteraction complexes of missile defense (KPS missile defense). The cost of these complexes makes percent shares from the cost of missile defense systems, and their efficiency, for all years of the existence, is estimated as exclusively high.
Application of KSP missile defense either doesn't allow to allocate real warheads among the declared conglomerate of attacking means, or generally excludes the correct detection of attacking means.
The first systems of KSP missile defense were created in USSR and USA in the late fifties – beginning of the 60th. They represented simple inflatable false targets revealing in an upper atmosphere and masking real warheads; other direction consisted in application of special radio reflective coverings on head parts and warheads, complicating their detection; one more direction consisted in creation of the heavy false targets with controlled parameters corresponding to real warheads of the whole complex; the major direction at realization of KSP missile defense is creation of active jammers, both distorting a false «response» signal, and creating the powerful noise impact suppressing the radar.
Both missile defense systems, and systems of KSP missile defense are continuously improved, and creation of KSP is 2–3 orders cheaper comparing to modern means of missile defense.
Keywords: missile defense; space systems; active jammers; false targets; reflective coverings.

Contacts: E-mail: post@cnirti.ru

Pp. 05-12.


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