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Jumber Lominadze (1931–2014), Outstanding Scientist and Statesman, Called «Georgian Kissinger»
Rukhadze A.A. Samkharadze T.G. Gorobets B.S.

Vice-President of The Academy of Sciences of Georgia Jumber Georgievich Lominadze was outstanding theoretical astrophysicist, a prominent statesman and bright personality. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow state iniversity, his supervisor was academician Arkady Migdal, one of the first physicists in Landau cohort. Djumber participated in Landau seminars in Institute for Physical Problems, where he met and became friends with such prominent physicists theoreticians as R.Z. Sagdeev, O.N. Krokhin, L.P. Pitaevski, E.P. Velikhov, A.B. Mikhaylovskiy and others who later became members of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Arriving as a young specialist to the Second secret nuclear center «Chelyabinsk-70», Djumber took part in doing calculations of hydrogen warheads. His manager and friend of the family was the future academician E.I. Zababakhin, the director of the Center. In 1958, Djumber moved to Georgia to engage in high-temperature plasma theoretical researches in the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia. He also spent a lot of time in Kharkov Physico-Technical Institute working under the supervision of the famous theorist of plasma Konstantin Stepanov. This phase was completed by Candidate (1964), and then Doctoral dissertation (1973). True peak reached by Djumber was creation a powerful group of physicists theorists in Abastumani astrophysical laboratory. These talented apprentices (listed below in the text) discovered a lot of new effects accompanying instability and turbulence in plasma accretion disks. Under Jumber leadership, the Georgian school of theorists – astrophysicists became one of leading astrophysical theoretical schools in the world, its representatives are now working in many countries. All who had the opportunity to deal with Jumber Lominadze remember him as an example of a talented scientist, fruitful organizer, the influential statesman, always seeking closer friendly relations with Russia .
Keywords: Djumber Lominadze; Abastumani astrophysical laboratory; accretion; A.B. Mikhailovsky

Contacts: E-mail: TG1307@mail.ru

Pp. 64-73.


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