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History of Science and Engineering Annotation << Back
Classification and Methods Pipe Production in Early XX Century
on Materials Historical Sources |
Akimov A.V.
The article deals with the classification of pipe products in the early XX century on the materials of historical sources, as well as the main areas of production tubing. Based on the analysis of data sources revealed classification of tubular products for the following types with detailed descriptions on specific types: a method of manufacturing, material manufacturing, industry applications and commodity nomenclature. In addition to the classification of this article describes the main methods of producing iron and cast iron pipes. With respect to iron pipes includes the following types of proceedings: pipe welding «butt» and «vnakladku», spirally welded pipes and rolling method Mannesmann. We also consider the cast iron pipe. Based on the work it can be concluded that the currently available classification of pipes were laid in the early XX century, as well as methods of producing pipes. Thus, the pipe industry of the Russian Empire in the period under review was well developed and provides its products to all the growing needs of the economy.
Keywords: pipe; production; classification; type; industry; application; source.
Contacts: E-mail: akimov_84@mail.ru
Pp. 50-59. |
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