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Current State of Public Health and Main Research Areas |
Maximova T.M.
Belov V.B.
Rogovina A.G.
Lushkina N.P.
National Research Institute of Public Health regularly provides complex analysis of dynamics and regional variance of population health on the base of official statistics and results of special investigations. Participation in wide scale WHO projects has given chance to acquire both subjective and objective characteristics of population health in Russia, compare them with those in foreign countries, reveal their psychological and organizational roots and key problems. It is still actual to develop medical statistics and enrich its interpretation in the context of cumulative effects of manifold determinants. Obtained results open crucially new approaches to resisting, as well as to development of health care system. Along with traditionally discussed factors consideration should include impact of value system, social and cultural expectations.
Keywords: population health; health care; medical statistics; health surveys; ageing.
Contacts: E-mail: vitalybb@mail.ru
Pp. 11-18. |
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