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History of Science and Engineering Annotation << Back
The Question of the Formation of the Concept of «Health» |
Ugadyarov E.A.
Attempts to comprehend the essence of health observed since ancient times. The solution of such issues quite objectively reflect the development of scientific thought, and was influenced by philosophy. In the initial stages of development of science ideas about illness and health were of natural-philosophical character. Along with the change of scientific knowledge and attitudes have changed, expanded and refined the corresponding representations. Today, widespread opinion that over the last century medicine and healthcare actively developed. And in the arsenal of scientific achievements already has a huge amount of information about the structure and functioning of the human body. However, there is no generalizing ideas, no new fundamental decisions. Medical science and healthcare staying in power pathology. The impetus for a more successful development of medicine and healthcare can serve to develop a sufficiently precise definition of the concept of health. It is necessary to raise the question of revision of established for decades the definition of health given by WHO more.
Keywords: adaptation; disease; interaction; health; public health; health care; indicators of public health; morbidity; quality of life.
Contacts: E-mail: ea_uga@bk.ru
Pp. 19-25. |
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