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RoleFGBI «National Institute of Public HealthRussian Academy of Medical Sciences» in optimizing medical supportmeasures formanning the ArmedForces of the Russian Federation Healthy Contingent
Sogiyaynen A.A.

The article examines theroleFGBI «National Research Institute of PublicHealthRussian Academy of Medical Sciences» in learning the basicmedical and social problemsof military ageadolescentsin terms of readinesstoserve in theArmedForces of the RussianFederation as ofphysical and mental health. Discussed in detailthe historical aspects ofthe formation and developmentactivities for themilitary medicalexaminationand trainingyoung men of militaryagefor militaryservice in theRussian army.Arethe main provisions ofdoctoral and masterof works protectedunder the supervision ofthe staff.The urgentaspects ofthe organization ofthe medical examinationof recruitsduringtraining andconscriptionin modern conditions.Based on the analysisconducted by the Instituteresearchprovides recommendations foreffective implementation of theobjectivesof armyhealthycontingent.
Keywords: teens; medical examination; appeal; health; military medicalexamination.

Contacts: E-mail: sogalex@ya.ru

Pp. 32-41.


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