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History of the Creation and Activities of the Department of EconomicResearch in Health FGBI «National Research Institute of Public Health» RAMS |
Lindenbraten A.L.
Dubinin N.D.
Serdyukovskiy S.M.
Grishina N.K.
Filippova V.I.
Kovaleva V.V.
Zagoruychenko A.A.
The article is devoted to the history of the health care economics department, as well as the general results of its scientific activity. It is a scientific division of the leading public health research institutions in Russia. The scientific research area and the separate work results of research team are represented. The health care planning process, including such technology as Programme on State Guarantees to Deliver Free Medical Care to the Citizens of the Russian Federation, is focused. The article includes the analysis of the national health care system economic problems. The health care quality improvement and accessibility state policy is discussed. The paper present the result of the most significant research works of the department.
Keywords: health care economics and organizations; Quality of Health Care; planning; history of science; Health Services Accessibility; national health programs.
Contacts: E-mail: lindenbraten13@rambler.ru
Pp. 73-107. |
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