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V.N. Pod’yachev, O.A. Baranova

The Soviet science that enjoyed government investment could allow a wide range of researches, which resulted in designing basically new materials including those for aerospace applications. Their designers were creative and competent specialists. In 2014 there was the 100th anniversary from the birthday of I.O. Panasyuk (1914–1993), Doctor of sciences, who worked in «All-Union (now All-Russian) scientifi c-research institute of aviation materials» («VIAM») and was a well-known specialist in the area of metallurgy of refractory alloys and superalloys. I.O. Panasyuk was the designer of a number of original compositions of high-chromium alloys, which were successfully reduced to practice. They still fi nd commercial application. He had also come to some interesting conclusions on the character of chromium brittleness and the effect of electromagnetic fi elds on its properties that allowed the signifi cant improvement in the material ductility. The chromium-base alloys he designed demonstrated unique characteristics. At present the work is continued by his successor S.P. Konokotin who has extended the treatment to the stage of melt solidifi cation when metal structure is forming.
Keywords: chromium; high-chromium alloys; elevated-temperature strength; ductility; brittleness; solidifi cation; electromagnetic field.

Contacts: Е-mail: baranova-olga2006@yandex.ru

Pp. 89-94.


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