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On the Issue of Submarines Monuments
Krutykh B.V.

Today, almost all maritime powers have their own «museum fl eet», and keep it afl oat (because land lease is very expensive) and maintain it,
regardless of expenses, because the souls of new sailors, new shipbuilders, new naval commanders are born on such ships. And the architecture
of ships is no less aesthetic than the «frozen music» of palaces, temples or castles.
Until recently, the truth about the death of submarines of the Russian (Soviet) fl eet seemed to be pushed into the background. The offi cial
authorities did not like to spread about it, and the information of this kind itself was kept under the appropriate secrecy labels. In an effort to
contribute to a kind of «maritime memory», we will try to understand the issue of submarines that are immortalized in the form of monuments
and which are forgotten, which means they were not awarded this honor or they exist, but abroad and not in suffi cient esteem.
This article attempts to analyze Russian (Soviet) submarines that have become monuments (memorials) in our country and also some
refl ections on memory in modern conditions of peace and war.
Keywords: war; submarine; museum; crew; wheelhouse; monument.

DOI: 10.25791/intstg.1.2024.1459

Pp. 15-32.


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