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The Situation in the Field of Primary Education Onbryansk Region in the Late 1920s (Based on the Materials of the Newspaper "Our Village")
Kulachkov V.V.

The article is devoted to the situation in the fi eld of primary education in the Bryansk region in the late 1920s. When writing this work,
the materials of the newspaper "Our Village" were mainly used, which during the study period was the offi cial printing organ of the Bryansk
Gubkom of the CPSU (b) and the Gubernatorial Executive Committee. In modern Russian historiography, the authors pay considerable
attention to the study of the situation in the educational sphere and generally come to the conclusion that material and fi nancial problems
hindered its optimal development. However, it should be noted that considerable attention has been paid to improving the level of literacy
among adults, about which information has been preserved in periodicals. At the same time, even a single enumeration of topics in newspapers
makes it possible to understand the acuteness of the problem in this area. At the same time, organizations that were originally created together
for other purposes had to be included in the process of literacy eradication. During the period under study, as far as possible, the schools of
peasant youth (SHKM) were also developing, which were engaged not only in educational, but also in socio-cultural activities. However, the
schools of peasant youth, along with schools for adults, suffered greatly from a shortage of material and fi nancial resources. They were also
characterized by poor training of students, problems with heating, and a large number of students in the cold season. In the area under study,
patronage and periodicals played an important role for the development of the village, but problems with fi nancing also had a negative impact.
Thus, the situation in the fi eld of primary education in the Bryansk region during the period of the new economic policy was diffi cult, because
the material and fi nancial defi cit and the low level of literacy of the population prevented the achievement of clear positive changes.
Keywords: Soviet country, new economic policy, educational sphere, village, mass media, Bryansk region.

DOI: 10.25791/intstg.1.2024.1461

Pp. 36-43.


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