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Nobel Medals and Other Scientifi c Attributes at Auctions of the World |
Tyutyunnik V.M., Samharadze G.T.
Describes the history of all auctions at which Nobel medals have been offered from 1940 to 2023. Detailed characteristics of each of the 43 sold and
7 unsold medals are given, including their selling price. The obverse and reverse of the medals of the Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry, in physiology or
medicine, in literature, in the Peace Prize, in the Memorial Prize in Economics, and the commemorative medal awarded to the annual voting members of the
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences are described in detail. At various auctions around the world, 10 medals of laureates in physics, 9 medals in chemistry,
11 medals in physiology or medicine, 2 medals in literature, 7 medals for Peace Prize and 5 medals for economics have been sold.
Keywords: Alfred Nobel, Nobel Prizes, Nobel laureates, nobelistics, Nobel medals, scientifi c attributes, world auctions.
DOI: 10.25791/intstg.4.2024.1477
Pp. 30-45. |
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