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History of Advertising: Price Manipulation
Dudareva Z.M.

In modern society, one of the most rapidly developing areas of activity is the advertising communication. It is a very important element of the trade and economic sphere, occupying a special place in marketing communications. However, not limited to, advertising performs educational, training, ideological, psychological, aesthetic, and other functions. The article deals with the linguistic aspect of the advertising text in terms of using it in the concept «Price» as an important element of attractiveness forming motif benefits. The concept of «Price» in this case the structure of advertising is becoming one of the key elements of language manipulation. It manifests itself in a set of lexical resources, characterizing the low price of the goods. This article analyzes the various combinations designed to draw attention to the price. Special attention is paid to the use in the advertising text language of metaphor, which implies not so much appeal to the rational as to the emotional level of a potential buyer. Given in the article examples show that in the search for new means of expression of originality, expressiveness of advertising texts, their creators use different methods and techniques of language game, combining the vocabulary of different styles, embedded foreign elements, occasional tumors, deliberate violation of spelling and other linguistic analysis of the advertising texts leads the author to the conclusion that the concept of «Price» as part of the advertising text has a pronounced pragmatic potential, and this has high requirements for its use.
Keywords: advertising; advertising communication; the concept of «Price»; linguistic manipulation; metaphor.

Contacts: E-mail: dudarevazm@mail.ru

Pp. 17-23.


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