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Historical Context of the Study Problems of Human Resource Management in Health Care
Schepin V.O. Rastorgueva T.I. Proklova T.N. Karpova O.B.

Actually the concept of the effectiveness of the factors of the medical organization, the process of creating a favorable psychological climate is basically appealing to their structural units forming – human resources, is estimated to be the modern world of research – basic framework of the effectiveness of any organization. This is especially important for health care organizations, as here, in the «abode» of human pain and hope for healing human resources organizations form of decisive importance. Historical background of development of views on the issue of human resource management in the national health care system clearly demonstrated the demand for its solutions from both researchers and practitioners from the side. This trend can be seen throughout the XX century and the beginning of the XXI, clearly emphasizing the continuity of the search, the difficulty most effective approaches its practical implementation.
Marked only part of the promising directions in the field of human resources management in health care, based on the historical context of the research problem, but it is most probably sold positions in the future, contributing to the creative potential of health workers, requiring joint efforts in the industry as the administration, and in the field and institutions, and understanding, and promote the active participation of employees of medical institutions.
Keywords: human resource management; of the history; foreign experience; domestic experience; scientific organization of labor; incentives to work; improve the professional level.

Contacts: E-mail: rasto@mail.ru

Pp. 63-72.


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