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E.N. Gordeev, V.K. Leontiev

The paper investigates the concept of «education» with the involvement of arguments from various scientific fields. In this case, the subject of education in our consideration are natural Sciences. Teaching creative professions remains outside the scope of our research. The humanitarian sphere falls «by the wayside» of consideration in the sense that the arguments given in the article have a different degree of generality: the arguments of a General nature practically do not take into account the subject of training, and their concretization and examples, as well as arguments having a narrower and more private meaning as an object, mainly have natural, and most often technical, Sciences. Since the object of research is inexhaustible, our goal was to draw the attention of teachers and methodologists to a number of, from our point of view, the obvious conclusions that relate to the problem of learning and follow from the most common constructions using mathematics, logic, philosophy, etymology, etc. Another reason for writing this text is our deep conviction that in the next decade there will be a serious transformation of the volume and relationships of many existing professions and, as a result, there will be a problem of rapid and sharp breakdowns of learning processes, which will inevitably require a rethinking of the «intuitively obvious» today the concepts of «education» and «learning». We deliberately avoid any consideration and evaluation of the education system adopted in our country today, so we consider the «ideal» situation, the abstraction of which transfers the applied aspects of the article from the level of methodology to the level of teaching ideology.
Keywords: education; teaching; science; formal schema; axioms; insights; graph theory; assessment functionality; the etymology of words.

DOI: 10.25791/intstg.02.2019.473

Contacts: E- mail: werhorn@yandex.ru, E- mail: vkleontiev@yandex.ru

Pp. 30-45.


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